Ocean Spray New Year 2023

Role: Creative Director

Ocean Spray wanted to use the New Year, New You season as a chance to feature their “Better For You” juices that have less sugar and more functional benefits. But the last thing any of us wanted to do was talk about dieting or resolutions. Especially since juice is so often on the “no” list for people cleaning up their diet.

So instead, we focused on Ocean Spray’s incredible feat of making healthier juices that still taste fantastic. And how that achievement might inspire normal people to do unreasonably ambitious things.

We landed on the punny mantra YES YOU CRAN and the rest was just weird fun.

As of this posting, “Don’t Clown” was just named Creativity’s Pick of the Day, among other notable mentions for the campaign.

Directed by Jeff Low


Light + Fit


1906 New Highs